help us grow

At Learning Lions we educate young people, from impoverished and isolated areas of East Africa, in IT and business skills. The young talents are empowered to become economically independent, through their own effort and work, by providing digital services to clients all around the world. We show them a clear path to entrepreneurship, and support them all the way. In doing so, they can join the global digital economy to earn a living and boost their communities.

In these first years of existence, we have achieved proof-of-concept for our educational and empowerment program. And we have seen the power of digital literacy to change lives first hand. Now is the time to scale up in Turkana and beyond. We can do more: offer digital vocational training for more and larger cohorts of talented individuals. There are many waiting to enter the program. You can help us to make it happen. Thank you!

[showhide type="pressrelease"]Press Release goes in here.[/showhide]

how to donate

Donate online

Use the Donation form on the right, for anybody who doesn’t need a donation receipt. If you need a German or US donation receipt, please fill in your address in the form.

Use the Donation gateway below, for anybody who doesn’t need a donation receipt. If you need a German or US donation receipt, please fill in your address in the form.


Bank transfer

You can also make a direct wire/bank transfer to our account. Kindly include your full address if you need a German donation receipt. If you are happy to receive it via eMail, include both eMail and physical address.

Learning Lions gUG
IBAN: DE17 7004 0041 0669 6165 00


If you need a tax-receipt for the US or UK, you can donate through GlobalGiving. We are proud to be amongst the top-ranked organization on this platform.

Top-ranked logo

how to donate

We are pleased to offer several convenient ways to donate online in Germany, Berlgium, France, Spain, Switzerland, UK and the USA. For direct wire/bank transfers, please include your full address if you need a receipt.

Below are the details for online and direct wire/bank transfer donations for the listed countries. If your country is not listed, you can still donate, but we couldn’t offer a receipt for tax deductibility for other countries.

For the countries listed, donations are tax deductible and donation receipts can be offered.

You can donate by using the form below or by making a direct wire/bank transfer to our Germany bank account:

Learning Lions gUG
IBAN: DE17 7004 0041 0669 6165 00

Please Donate by filling the below form:

You can make a direct wire/bank transfer to the following bank account via the Transnational Giving Network, where a locally registered Foundation receives the donation in our name and forwards the donation to us.:

Account Name: Fundacion Empresa y Sociedad
Bank Account: ES43 0234 0001 0510 0384 7629
Bank Name: Banco Caminos
Bank Address: Almagro (8) 28010 Madrid Spain
Purpose: Learning Lions gUG, Germany

Donors from Switzerland should contact our TGE partners at Swiss Philanthropy with their donation request and announce the donation there. Our Swiss partners will then send the information for the donation processing.

Please, contact the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation:

You can make a direct wire/bank transfer to our Belgium bank account from the below details:

Account Name: King Baudouin Foundation Bank
Account: BE10 0000 0000 0404 Bank
Name: Bpost Bank Address: Rue des Colonies (P28) 1000 Bruxelles Belgium
Purpose: Learning Lions gUG, Germany

You can make a direct wire/bank transfer to the following bank account via the Transnational Giving Network, where a locally registered Foundation receives the donation in our name and forwards the donation to us.

Fondation de France Bank Account: FR76 3005 6005 0205 0200 0363 678
Bank Address: Avenue des Champs Elysées (103) 75008 Paris France
Purpose: Learning Lions gUG, Germany

If you are from UK, please donate using Global Giving

how to donate

We are pleased to offer several convenient ways to donate online in Germany, the USA, and the UK. For direct wire/bank transfers, please include your full address if you need a receipt.

Below are the details for online and direct wire/bank transfer donations for the listed countries. If your country is not listed, you can still donate, but we couldn’t offer a receipt for tax deductibility for other countries.

what our donors say

Dr. Goetz

  Seeing the progress of the young Kenyan talents proves that every Euro spent is well invested.



Content creator, Artist and Entrepreneur

  Through the skills acquired, I can earn, innovate and empower young women in Turkana and beyond.

other ways to support


Spend between two and six months in one of the most remote areas of Eastern Africa supporting young talents to become digital professionals. We are looking for coders, designers and other creatives and techies, but can also need support in other fields such as project management or even construction and maintenance.

Work with lions

The most sustainable way to support our lions? Hire them, on eye-level. Be it as a freelancer or through our Fair Trade creative agency Digital Lions, our creative talents are there to work with you. Check out their portfolios and contact us today.

100km hike for digital jobs

Join us for the annual Löwenmarsch in Bavaria on the first September weekend! Hike 100km in 24hrs through scenic routes alongside castles and more. Engage your family, friends, and colleagues to support you with a donation pledge per km.


Spend between two and six months in one of the most remote areas of Eastern Africa supporting young talents to become digital professionals. We are looking for coders, designers and other creatives and techies, but can also need support in other fields such as project management or even construction and maintenance.

Work with lions

The most sustainable way to support our lions? Hire them, on eye-level. Be it as a freelancer or through our Fair Trade creative agency Digital Lions, our creative talents are there to work with you. Check out their portfolios and contact us today.

100km hike for digital jobs

Join us for the annual Löwenmarsch in Bavaria on the first September weekend! Hike 100km in 24hrs through scenic routes alongside castles and more. Engage your family, friends, and colleagues to support you with a donation pledge per km.

Shop for good

Support us by shopping on Amazon through or the link below. Remember to always access amazon like this, otherwise the shopping will not result in a donation.

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