100 kilometres for a good cause
There is a global trend of 100 km marches these days. The idea is to cover 100 kilometres – at a good pace – within 24 hours and without longer breaks. The “marathon of hikers”, so to speak. This is a serious athletic challenge that requires training and planning.
The LÖWENMARSCH (Lions Trail) is a variation of this, allowing participants to enter at different stations or to leave earlier. Everyone hikes a distance that is realistic for them and acquires their friends and family to donate an amount to Learning Lions for every kilometer hiked (supporting digital education in Kenya).
Success story from Bavaria: Let’s create one in Berlin!
The Lion’s Trail is a highly successful charity event, held annually in Bavaria. In 2023 it attracted 1000 participants, covering 51,566 kilometers and generated more than 200.000€ in donations. As we express gratitude to the dedicated volunteers and sponsors, we look forward to replicating this success in Berlin, by bringing the city’s impact and tech community together. Your support is key to our shared mission and we are excited to host the first-ever Berlin Löwenmarsch on 8th and 9th June 2024.
Creating a lasting impact: Digital education in rural Kenya.
All proceeds from our Berlin trail will benefit the non-profit organization Learning Lions. This initiative provides free digital education to young individuals in extremely remote regions of Kenya. Immediately following their training, they gain the opportunity to showcase their digital creative skills, such as design and web programming, to an international clientele in a co-working space supported by a Fair Trade sales agency. This empowers them to independently earn their own income, which is vital in rural areas which often lack means of income. Recognized in 2018 by Google Global Impact Challenge as one of the 12 winners among 5000 charity organizations, this concept is transforming lives.
If you do not want to join the hike but still want to support the project you can also send a donation to the following account (purpose: Löwenmarsch Berlin):
Learning Lions gUG
IBAN: DE17 7004 0041 0669 6165 00
For a donation receipt (for donations above 300 euros) please include your name and address in the bank transfer reference!